Monday, June 14, 2010

Walking Within Without

Some days I walk within the Spirit.

Sheltered in love

Nestled in light

Embracing the worlds gifts

Of true beauty

Bathed in laughter

Some days I walk without Sprit

Covered in Fear

Lost in darkness

Seeing only the human hate

Of all things

Honored in love

Each day I choose

My new world,

Walking in Love or walking in Fear.

(c) 2002 Shery Hardin All Rights Reserved

Jesus Had No Ph.D.

Poor Jesus

He has no Ph.D.

If he returned today

To talk to you and me

Just a poor carpenter

Who would we believe?

He only worked on wood

cut down from FOREST trees.

His words would be dismissed.

No scholar is he.

The authorities would say

Poor Jesus, he has no Ph.D.

Perhaps he should apply

To college and learn theology.

Perhaps he should go to school

And learn from you and me.

The spiritual rules

Written my men whose deeds

Are long forgotten

In time that passes with such speed.

How could he say

That we should heed

He knew the way

(c) 1997 Sheryl Hardin All Rights Reserved

Making of a Poem

Poems aren’t written

A gentle Muse gives them to an open heart

They well up from the Soul

Disturbing the sleep, disrupting the quiet moments, waking me from day dreams

The words swirl in my head until,

To gain relief I take pen in hand

And commit the songs of the Muse to paper.